Playing with FIRE

On the latest episode we’re joined by Travis Shakespeare, director of a new documentary called Playing with FIRE, which follows 35 year old Scott Rieckens, his wife Taylor, and their toddler Jovie as the family decides to embark on a year-long odyssey to understand the rules of the FIRE movement and test their willingness to reject the standard narrative of adult life.

When Scott hears a prominent leader and “early retiree” in the FIRE movement subculture interviewed on a podcast, he enlists his wife to abandon everything they’ve been taught about the role of money in adulthood and instead focus on pursuing financial independence. 

But doing so requires an about face since their current path has them spending every dime they make living the “Instagram” life in an expensive San Diego suburb, driving luxury cars, and eating at fancy restaurants. 

Although everything they are doing is sanctioned by their friends, traditional education, and broad society, Taylor agrees that something is wrong when it becomes clear she’ll need to sacrifice the precious hours of her daughter’s childhood and work 40+ hours per week to continue paying for their lifestyle. 

She agrees to uproot their lives and spend a year traveling around the country to meet the subculture’s mentors while living rent free to save as much as they can.

It’s an interesting tale full of ups and downs. If the FIRE movement is something you’re interested in, this film is a must watch.

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"Jill on Money" theme music is by Joel Goodman,